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Application Overview and Problem Scenerios

Order App Overview

This application was built for demonstations of Dynatrace. The front-end look like this.

The overall application is made up of four Docker components: a frontend web UI and 3 backend services. Once monitored by Dynatrace, a multi-tier call flow will be available such as shown below.

Pre-built Docker Images

The dt-orders application has pre-built problems programmed within different versions. See source in the dt-orders repo. Each version for each service, has pre-built docker images that are published to dockerhub.

This is a summary of the versions followed by a description of the problem scenarios.

Service Branch/Docker Tag Description
frontend 1 Normal behavior
catalog-service 1 Normal behavior
customer-service 1 Normal behavior
order-service 1 Normal behavior
customer-service 2 High Response time for /customer/list.html
order-service 2 50% exception for /order/line URL and n+1 back-end calls for /order/form.html
customer-service 3 Normal behavior
order-service 3 Normal behavior

Problem Scenarios

Deploy dtdemos/customer-service:2

Deploy dtdemos/order-service:2

Both these scenearios are enabled


Examine Dynatrace

Now lets look at what we have discovered in Dynatrace.

Open Dynatrace and navigate to Hosts in the menu and select the host.

Here we can examine all the proceses automatically discovered by the Dynatrace oneAgent.

We can also see the processes for the order application.

Next we can examine the Transactions and Services.

Select Transactions and Services from the menu.

You can also change the focus by using the management zone filter.

Finally, we can also see how the KIAB configured Kubernetes cluster monitoring.

Select Kubernetes from the menu.

Pre-configured items also include:

  1. Dashboards
  2. Request Attributes
  3. Calculated Service Metrics
  4. Management Zones
  5. Automatically Applied Tags
  6. Problem Notification
  7. Process Group Naming Rule
  8. Service Naming Rule

Now that we are more familiar with what we have running, Let’s continue.
